Here’s how we spend donation money:
- Through donations we were able to purchase used patrol vehicles. We raise funds for expenses related to beach patrol (gas, insurance, maintenance, etc).
- Consumable supplies like wooden stakes, caution tape, zip ties, trash bags, disposable gloves, etc.; costs add up over time as we replace these supplies.
- Education and outreach is a critical part of our mission, and it’s important to us to get kids of all ages excited about sea turtles and how important it is to protect them.
- Needed educational and outreach supplies include books, posters, printed material and giveaways.
- We visit many schools throughout the year and give out our sea turtle activity books and tattoos to our next generation of environmentalists.
- We plan to create “turtle eye” giveaway cards to teach people how to spot the difference between regular lighting and turtle safe lighting.
- Some of the equipment we need is more expensive: red light flashlights, grabbers, measuring wheels, cages, and tools.
- Then there’s the really expensive scientific equipment we need, like large Vernier Calipers, pit tag scanners, Spectrometers, and bigger items for our educational outreach like tents and display items.
Online donations are temporarily unavailable.
Send a check to donate:
- Make a check payable to "Sea Turtle Trackers"
- On the memo line of the check, please indicate that the donation is for "Sea Turtle Trackers" then include the donation form which you are donating to (general donation, adopt a nest, tracker backers).
- Please mail your check to:
PO Box 67422
Saint Pete Beach, FL 33736
All contributions will be gratefully acknowledged and are tax deductible.
Thank you for considering a donation to Sea Turtle Trackers, a 100% Volunteer Non-profit.
Way to donate:
Use the donation form above.
Go to Adopt a Nest
Be a Tracker Backer
Go to our Facebook page.
Send a check to Sea Turtle Trackers at P.O. Box 67422, St. Pete Beach, FL 33736
Got spare change or maybe a dollar or two? Drop it in one of our coin boxes around town, like at Paradise Grille in Pass-A-Grille or the RumFish Grill. Or, come to one of our education or cleanup events and drop it in the jar at our table.
You might wonder why we need donations since we have no paid staff. Our founder funded turtle patrol entirely from his own pocket for over thirty years. Once we incorporated as a non-profit in 2013, we were able to start taking donations to replace the ancient Jeep, purchase equipment and supplies, and expand our education and outreach efforts.
Here’s our big wishlist:
- We would like to purchase or lease a UTV for a more environmentally friendly footprint on the beach. Likewise, we have a used boat that can transport some staff members over to Shell and Outback Keys, but we’d like to upgrade to a more reliable vessel when we can.
- We would like to purchase a trailer for our education roadshow.
- We're saving for more rescue equipment like stretchers for injured sea turtles, and better options for their transport to an authorized rehabilitation facility.